trooper, sergeant, Barber Mott |
Well, it's been a while. All right then. On to excuses. Starting a new job is a fairly decent one. Real life has a strange way of eating hobby but this really isn't the reason. It all came down to the loss of my favourite green stuff press mould. It is a very nice piece of kit. The detail is crisp and for ease of use it's even mounted on a space marine arm that is both functional and stylish. Sadly it went AWOL and every visit to the hobby table became an exercise in frustration where I would look for it fruitlessly or attempt to make a replacement. I couldn't find it and the substitutes were pure garbage. Finally it turned up and suddenly second squad are coming together rather nicely.
WIP squaddies |
Considering the the other tasks associated with getting second squad of the ground it's pretty embarrassing that something so trivial as cap badges caused such a setback. Second squad was a bit more work than first squad. I ended up sculpting some parts on a couple of the models. The Praetorian figures didn't include specialists with plasma guns so this member of the squad needed a weapon swap and a new arm. The proportions are a bit off but it was passable. I could have done better and will attempt to in future versions but I really wanted to rush this guys through because of the delays he and his mates have encountered.
Trust me, this is his golden angle:) |
The Weapons team are a copy of a design I saw somewhere on the web. Because they are a two wound model I wanted to have a member of the crew removable from the large base. It was really easy to cut a relief in the base to receive the model's base. Because the large bases have recessed "nubs" a circular cut of plasticard fit into the bottom cleanly and attached to the bottoms of the nubs without poking from the bottom of the base.
I sized the hole before painting:( . Luckily most attacks will kill these guys outright:). |
I also revisited the paint scheme I was running for the vehicles attached to my troops. I liked the urban camo scheme I gave them but it doesn't fit with the men on the ground. I think that there are few things more important to overall presence of an assembled army. It is possible for an army with a host of models of middling paint quality to collectively look better than the sum of it's parts. Somewhere in the gathering of a war host there is a sense of wonder stolen from any hobbyist who views a unified army. I don't know why. That's just the way it is. I painted a test sentinel in the new scheme. It is very gaudy and hiding it may prove troublesome but it is more consistent with the identity of the army I am trying to create so I'll go with that. It remains to be seen how well this scheme will translate to more orthodox AFVs but I cross that bridge when I come to it.
Charge of the Bright Brigade! |
Finally a quick peek at Barber Mott. The big man is responding well to his first coats of paint. He has a washed basecoat that is coming along well enough that I like where he is going. I even put together a sidekick for him in the form on the Tanith Dorden model. While not so far along the sketchy diminutive old man should be a nice foil for Mott. With two such pristine angels seeing to to their ailments I can't think the Blue Jackets turn up for sick parade that often. I'm sure it's a result of the robust constitution of the Pohlesian fighting man.
Suddenly I feel much better. |
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