And Lo, Sainted Tigran made a castle of his ass: A terrain piece and horrid history of terrain building on December 31, 2013 40k imperial guard methodology musings painted models + terrain 40k imperial guard methodology musings painted models terrain
Blood Bowl is a great strategy game if you aren't a prig on November 11, 2013 Blood Bowl +0 musings Blood Bowl musings
Guard Medic/ INQ28 Chiurgeon WIP on February 09, 2013 40k imperial guard INQ28 methodology + WIP 40k imperial guard INQ28 methodology WIP
First Squad Fall In on February 08, 2013 40k imperial guard methodology musings + painted models 40k imperial guard methodology musings painted models
Special Characters and The Ceramite Graf on January 31, 2013 imperial guard musings painted models + WIP imperial guard musings painted models WIP
Once More into the Breach on January 28, 2013 40k imperial guard musings + painted models 40k imperial guard musings painted models
About Turn! Direction of Pohlesian Infantry on January 14, 2013 imperial guard musings +0 WIP imperial guard musings WIP
Producing Snow and Groundwork on your Bases on January 14, 2013 methodology product review terrain + tutorial methodology product review terrain tutorial
Field Marshal Zukas complete on January 09, 2013 imperial guard musings +0 painted models imperial guard musings painted models
Old Soldiers part 3- The poster child on January 08, 2013 imperial guard musings +0 WIP imperial guard musings WIP
The Hydra Flak Gun That Could on January 08, 2013 imperial guard methodology musings + painted models imperial guard methodology musings painted models
Psyker Battle Squad- WIP build phase on January 03, 2013 imperial guard musings +0 WIP imperial guard musings WIP
Old Soldiers part 2- The Poor Bloody Infantry on January 03, 2013 40k imperial guard musings + painted models 40k imperial guard musings painted models